
Rev. Fr. Dr. J. Buciora

The anthropology of Metropolitan Ilarion is solely based on a God-centered doctrine, essential for the patristic mindset of man. It is God the Holy Trinity, that revealed Himself to His creation in order to bring humanity to his original destiny.
St. Michael Parish of UOCC in Regina

Irena Tiurmenko

У доповіді Іван Огієнко (Митрополит Іларіон) (1882-1972) представлений як засновник української культурологічної школи, з якою пов’язується початок цілісного і системного вивчення української культури. Простежується еволюція поглядів вченого щодо походження, розвитку, структури та механізмів функціонування національної культури.

Prof. Hryhoriy Kuprianovych, Liublin, Poland

The biography of Metropolitan Ilarion has not been thoroughly studied, although there has been considerable work done up to now. One of the periods that need further elaboration and research is that of the Warsaw years (1926-1940).

Maria Kortchevich, Winnipeg, Manitoba

«Служити народові, то служити Богові\Митрополит Iларіон, в миру проф. Іван Іванович Огієнко—Славний Син України, світової слави Мислитель, богослов, мовознавець, визначний державний, громадський і церковний діяч, учений, борець за рідну мову і культуру, перекладач Біблії на українську мову, філолог, філософ, наукова спадщина якого становить більше тисячі праць з культурології, мовознавства, славістики й історії Церкви, почесний член Британського й Закордонного Біблійного товариства.

Very Rev. Dr. Stephan Jarmus, Professor of Pastoral Theology and Homiletics

In this short study, the author provides information for the reconstruction of the forces and conditions that led to the formation of “the phenomenon of Ivan Ohienko”, better know as Metropolitan Ilarion.

Yuliya Zayachuk, Ivan Franko Lviv National University

At the present time, we are in the process of re-evaluating the creative achievements of famous figures of Ukrainian history. One such person is Metropolitan Ilarion (Ivan Ohienko), Professor, founder of Ukrainian cultural studies and education, famous Ukrainian religious, cultural, educational figure, statesman and scientist. This paper is dedicated to the educational activities of this scholar, whose written heritage constitutes over a thousand scientific works.

Prof. Roman Yereniuk, Associate Professor, St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg and Centre for Ukrainian Canadian Studies, University of Manitoba

Metropolitan Ilarion over a period of 25 years in Canada (1947-1972) wrote and delivered from the pulpit and by way of radio, some 110 “poslannia” – epistles. This paper will attempt to analyze these epistles for their themes and contents as well as their importance for the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (UOCC), the Ukrainian people in their persecuted homeland and the Ukrainian Canadian community.
Bibles on the window

Iryna Konstantiuk, Dept. Of German and Slavic Studies, University of Manitoba

The personality of Ivan Ivanovych Ohienko, famous Ukrainian church and public figure, historian, educator, linguist, member of the Academic Association of Taras Shevchenko (1922), philosopher, poet, editor and the author of the first full canonical translation of the Bible to Ukrainian represents significant interest to Ukrainians all over the world.
Bibles on the window

The First Steps: Ivan Ohienko’s Entry into the Ukrainian National Arena

This presentation will shed some light on Ivan Ohienko’s almost accidental entry into Ukrainian political life. His involvement with community efforts to establish a university in the city of Kamianets-Podilsky transformed this little known young academic into a national figure and that in turn opened the door to ministerial service in the short-lived government of the Ukrainian National Republic.