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This presentation will shed some light on Ivan Ohienko’s almost accidental entry into Ukrainian political life. His involvement with community efforts to establish a university in the city of Kamianets-Podilsky transformed this little known young academic into a national figure and that in turn opened the door to ministerial service in the short-lived government of the Ukrainian National Republic.

Прийдіть до Мене, всі запрацьовані та обтяжені, і Я заспокою вас (Мф. 11:28). Сьогодні ми святкуємо велике, святе та найбільш радісне Таїнство. Багато віків ми чекали Спасителя, багато віків цілий світ чекав спасіння, і нарешті Син Божий зійшов на землю, народився від Діви Марії та став людиною.

Kyiv Aviation University in Ukraine hosted a major conference on the 125th anniversary of Metropolitan Ilarion’s (Ivan Ohienko) birth and 35th anniversary since his repose. Metropolitan Ilarion was a Ukrainian linguist, historian, theologian, nation builder, ecclesiastical leader and translator of the Bible.

As you know, 2007 marks the 35th anniversary of the repose and 125th anniversary of the birth of Metropolitan Ilarion (Ohienko). These anniversaries have great meaning for all Orthodox Ukrainians throughout the world, but especially for us as Ukrainian Orthodox in Canada.

The scholarly world in general, and the Ukrain¬ians throughout the globe are mourning the death of Dr. Ivan Ohienko (Metropolitan Ilarion), one of the most distinguished experts in the field of Slavic studies of the 20th century, author of many books, pamphlets, articles, reviews. He died in Winnipeg, alter a prolonged illness, on March 29, at the age of ninety.

Hon. Paul Yuzyk:
Honourable senators, I would like to inform the members of the Senate that on March 29, Metropolitan Ilarion, the spiritual leader of the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church of Canada, died in Winnipeg at the age of 90 and was buried yesterday, April 12. In the scholarly world he was known as Dr. Ivan Ohienko.

Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Today we celebrate a great, 'holy and most joyous Mystery.
For many ages we awaited our Saviour: for many ages the whole world awaited its Salvation, and finally the Son of God came to our earth, was born of the Virgin Mary and became Man.

In the year of our Lord 1972, in the month of March, on the twenty-ninth day, at the hour of 10:15 in the evening, the Lord called Vladyka Ilarion, Primate of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada to Eternity.

Творча спадщина Івана Огієнка (митрополит Іларіон; 14.01.1882—29.03. 1972) — це справді невичерпний духовний світ, усю глибину й багатство котрого ми, можливо, навіть і не почали ще осягати. Всесвітньо відомий вчений-філолог, політичний, громадський та церковний діяч, історик, педагог, Огієнко прожив довге, унікально насичене життя, життя, яке все — до останнього подиху — було віддане високій меті: утвердженню вільної, незалежної, соборної України і, водночас, зміцненню безсмертних духовних засад національного українського православ’я.
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