
He is Our Peace

he time of Advent is nearly here: the Lord is coming! Soon we shall be singing the praises of the New-Born Child who is God in the flesh. Soon we shall be joyfully proclaiming the peace which He has made for all eternity between God and human beings, having united Divinity and humanity within Himself in a perfect union.
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Vancouver, British Columbia

The Danger of Being Religious

The Parable of the Good Samaritan in today's Gospel (Luke 10:25-37) may be the most widely known of Jesus' parables. The word, Samaritan, has entered the vocabularies of many world languages as a synonym of a person who does a good deed for someone they don't know, whom they find to be in need.

You Are Never Alone (EN/FR)

In today's Epistle (Ephesians 5:9-19) we find our teacher, the Holy Apostle Paul, exhorting us to address "one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart, always and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father".
The Rev. Fr. Michael MARANCHUK

The Delusion of Being Absolutely Right

As He was healing the hitherto unfortunate woman who had been ill for eighteen years, Jesus also wanted to heal the spiritual ills of those who were witnesses to the miracle described in today's Gospel (Luke 13:10-17).
St. Michael Parish of UOCC in Regina

The Effort of Rest

As winter strengthens its hold upon our land, while nature rests under its mantle of snow, it is good to think about life that will never die - the life that has been given to us, as well as to all who thirsts for it, by Jesus the Messiah.

Become an Ancestor of Christ (EN/FR)

"You have died and your life is hid with Christ in God," says Paul in the verse preceding today's Epistle (Colossians 3:4-11). Christians are baptized into Christ's death and resurrection.
St. Michael Parish of UOCC in Regina

Christmas Reflections (UA/EN/FR)

Всі люди зацікавлені щось довідатись про майбутнє, про те куди прямує їхнє життя. Як часто буває, нам не вистачають традиційні пояснення та заклики вірити без ознак та надзвичайних відкривань.
The Rev. Fr. Michael MARANCHUK

Il a Fait Le Meilleur Choix de Sa Vie!

C'est merveilleux d'entendre dans l'Évangile d'aujourd'hui que "le Fils de l'homme est venu chercher et sauver ce qui était perdu"! Il parle de nous - de toi et de moi. C'est nous-mêmes qui étions perdus. Nous en sommes maintenant sans Sa grâce.
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Vancouver, British Columbia

Publican and Pharisee (EN/FR)

In his words to his friend and prot?g?, Timothy, in today Epistle (2 Timothy 3:10-15), the Apostle Paul reminds him of the persecutions and sufferings that befell him at Antioch, at Iconium and at Lystra, and announces: "Indeed all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." These are good words for us to ponder.

Paschal Reflections (UA/EN/FR)

Знову й знову лунає цей радісний поклик у ці світлі дні Христового Преславного Воскресення - Пасхи, переходу від смерти до життя. Він Своєю смертю на Хресті переміг смерть! Вже більше немає мертвих! Усі живі в Бозі - в Джерелі всього життя!
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