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Bibles on the window

St. Nicholas Plays

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Bibles on the window

Introduction to Nativity Documents

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St. Celidonius the Man Born Blind

St. Celidonius the Man Born Blind

The Sixth Sunday after Pascha is dedicated to the remarkable account of our Lord’s healing of the Man Born Blind (John 9:1-38).

Patriarchal Homiliy on Great Lent 2016

Yet again this year, through the God-inspired words, the holy Psalmist ushers the Orthodox faithful into the “mystery” of Holy and Great Lent, pointing out the benevolence of the Lord and the workings thereof as he cries out, the Lord works mercy and righteousness for all the oppressed...
Bibles on the window

Message on the Newtown tragedy

The horrible event of December 14, 2012, the death of 28 people – 20 of them young children in a school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, USA – fills us with profound sadness and dismay...
Bibles on the window

Response to Russian Canadian Congress

The hierarchs, clergy and laity delegates from congregations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada gathered in Winnipeg, MB, July 13-19, 2015 for the UOCC’s 23rd General Assembly (SOBOR). During the course of deliberations and worship, as expected the delegates prayed for and made declarations and resolutions encouraging and in support of a free, independent, unified Ukraine, our ancestral homeland...

The Holodomor of 1933 – Evil

When confronted by an event as horrifying as the Holodomor of 1933 we come to face with the unvarnished ugliness of evil. It is the incomprehensibility of the acts of murder on such a vast scale that stops us in our tracks and put into question the very goodness of creation. This event seems to shout at us: there is no God, there is no sense in existence but only suffering and frustration...
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