St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor Parish is one of five churches in Edmonton affiliated with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. Its purpose is to provide a place of worship for Orthodox Christians, primarily of Ukrainian descent although not to the exclusion of anyone who wishes to become an adherent of Orthodoxy, the “true faith”. In addition, St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor Parish is committed to the preservation and promotion of the Ukrainian language and cultural heritage. Our Vision St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor Parish strives to maintain facilities for worship in the Orthodox Christian faith as its primary objective. It also works to provide facilities and programs for religious, cultural, and educational activities designed to maintain and develop our Ukrainian heritage in the Edmonton, Alberta, and Canadian milieu. Our Values As members of St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor Parish, we strongly believe in, and support the Orthodox faith adopted by our Mother Country in 988 AD. We consider it equally important to maintain and foster all facets of our Ukrainian culture and heritage in an atmosphere of Christian fellowship.