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Services and activities provided by the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor include:
All Divine Liturgies (English language services are held each first Sunday of the month, all other services are bi-lingual English-Ukrainian)
- Akathist services every Wednesday evening
Saturday Vespers
Feast Day services
Celebrations of marriage rite, baptismal/chrismation rite,
Funeral services, Memorial (Panakhyda) servicesneral rite
Home blessings · Sunday coffee time and family discussionns
Cantor training · Choral singing · Religious studies classes
Discussion of social issues
Youth, men’s, and women’s organizations
Opportunities for training in pastoral work
Those wishing to become participating members should either contact the parish priest or parish executive president.
Other Programs
Sunday School
Sunday school every Sunday in the church lower level. Bible stories and how they relate to our lives. Fun with crafts, puzzles, games, and singing.
Missions have been established in Moose Jaw and Weyburn with Divine Liturgy held once a month. Please contact Father Volodymyr for details.