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The Hamilton Deanery of the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada together with the St. Volodymyr Sobor in Hamilton commemorated the 20th Anniversary of the repose of blessed memory Metropolitan Wasyly who passed away on January 10, 2005 In Winnipeg. A special event, a Symposium was organized at the St. Volodymyr Sobor in Hamilton where family members and invited guests spoke about Metropolitan Wasyly who served at this parish as a priest from 1951 to 1978.

After the Parastas/Panakhyda held at the St. Volodymyr Sobor in Hamilton, celebrated by Bishop Andriy together with ten clergy of the Eastern Eparchy and a luncheon prepared by the Ukrainian Women’s Association/Hamilton Brunch, a Symposium was opened by Metropolitan Ilarion who attended this occasion from Edmonton. In his introductory message, Metropolitan Ilarion emphasized his personal connection with the blessed memory Metropolitan Wasyly and his role in the life of UOCC between 1978 to 2005. According to Metropolitan Ilarion, blessed memory Metropolitan Wasyly was an individual of exceptional inner peace who had an encouraging vision of hope even in the most disparaging situation. His role in the development of the UOCC in those years was instrumental in the development of the recognition of the UOCC in World Orthodoxy.
The next two presenters, sons of Metropolitan Wasyly: Jaroslaw and Emilian, shared their experiences from the perspective of family and children. Both of them emphasised the role of the church in forming and crystalizing the character of their father. In order to understand their father, we have to look at him through the lens of achievements and challenges faced by every specific parish and later the UOCC. The prism of their father’s life experience could be understood as their foundation of who they are today. The many challenges facing the family combined with many moves never deterred their father from his personal determination and devotion to the Church.

The next speaker, Fr. Wasyl Makarenko, conveyed his working relationship with Metropolitan Wasyly while held the position as the chairman of the presidium of UOCC for 10 years. In so many ways, Metropolitan Wasyly was a man of complete dedication to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada and as a bishop with an exceptional ability of listening and understanding the human condition. He was an icon of patience towards his own priests and a model against authoritarianism and privilege of power. His pastoral approach to administration combined the epitome of compassion and love towards every human being. His daily personal interaction, whether it was with the staff of the Consistory or with random people at the airport, presented him always as cordial and empathetic.

The last presenter, Fr. Jaroslaw Buciora, researched the subject of recognition of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople on April 1, 1989. We have to recognize the fact that Metropolitan Wasyly achieved in his tenure what all of his predecessors could not: Eucharistic Communion with the family of all the Local Orthodox Churches in the world. In order to reach this moment, Fr. Jaroslaw looked at the authentic correspondence between Metropolitan Wasyly with the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the representatives of the Ecumenical Throne in North America. Although Metropolitan Wasyly could not personally attend the event on April 1, 1989 in Constantinople due to a medical emergency, he completed his task of having World Orthodoxy recognize our Church with the presence of Bishop Yuriy. The journey of the UOCC, commencing in 1918, towards a full Eucharistic recognition by the Ecumenical Patriarchate was achieved during his leadership.

Vichnaya pamyat to Metropolitan Wasyly, whose name and contribution to the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada continues will be fostered for many generations of believers to come.