Father Michael Skrumeda
**Update: The Funeral will be held at St. Mary Protectress Sobor, located at 820 Burrows Avenue in Winnipeg, MB, on Thursday, April 27 at 7 p.m. followed by Divine Liturgy and completion of the Funeral Rite on Friday, April 28 at 10 a.m.
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada sadly announces the Falling Asleep in The Lord of Father Michael Skrumeda, who resided in Winnipeg MB. Father Michael was called home by The Lord in the early morning of April 20, 2023.
Father Michael was born in Arbakka, Manitoba on July 21, 1950. He graduated from the Vita Manitoba School District and studied at Saint Andrew College and the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg from 1973 until 1977, earning a Licentiate Degree in Theology (1973), a Baccalaureate in Humanities (1977) and a Baccalaureate Degree in Education from the University of Brandon in 1978.
He was ordained to the Deaconate on December 17, 1972, and to the Priesthood on May 20, 1973. He served parishes in Oakburn, MB, Brandon, MB, Hamilton, ON, Windsor, ON, Winnipeg, MB, Portage La Prairie, MB, and Brandon, MB.
Father Skrumeda was married to Olha (neé Lobur), who fell asleep in The Lord on February 7, 2004 He is survived by two daughters Laura and Tanya.
The Hierarchs, Clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada today extend their deepest condolences to his family.