On May 11th of this year the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, with the blessing of Metropolitan John, unveiled the newly published “Good Shepherd” prayer book. The publishing of this prayer book is undoubtedly one of the most significant events in the life of the UOCC over the past decade. For the first time we have a standard, bi-lingual edition of all major and minor feasts and services.
Over the past several years I have seen many non-Ukrainian people come through our parishes. Some are married to Ukrainian Orthodox Christians. Others have heard of Orthodoxy and come for a closer look. Still others just drop by, checking things out. Regardless of how they come, sooner or later they ask the same question: "What does a Ukrainian parish have to offer me?"
In order for a parish, consisting of a minimum of 150 families, to be
successful, it must have the following programs.
One of the great struggles we have today in the Church is preserving our children in the
Orthodox Faith. Too often they seem not to be interested.
Picture in your minds, if you can. Two churches situated within 200 feet of each other, separated only by a modern funeral home. One is thriving while the other
church is one disaster away from foreclosure and disbandment.
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